/PAF > Rumore

Noise: databases

This section of the Physical Agents Portal includes two different databases.

"TORINO CPT" NOISE DATABASE: www.fsctorino.it/download/banca-dati-rumore-per-ledilizia/

Access the Torino CPT database
This is a noise database related to construction sites that reports emission values of machines and equipment and that has been validated as compliant with the Italian law.
It is recommended to read the user guide before using it. The PAF Portal contains a link to the above mentioned Database, that is entirely managed by "Torino CPT". In case of problems in consulting it, please refer to "Torino FSC"


NOISE DATABASE OF THE PHYSICAL AGENTS PORTAL http://www.portaleagentifisici.it/fo_rumore_list_macchinari.php

Access the PAF Noise Database
This database reports the Leq (dBA) (equivalent continuous sound level) and Lwa (dBA) (A-weighted sound power level) values declared by the manufacturers in compliance with current regulations (Machinery Directive and/or specific standards).

It also reports the data measured in the field according to the specific protocols that can be downloaded at the “documentation for data provision” PAF section. 
This data can be used:
  1. in the setting of noise risk assessment to comply with the current legislation establishing that risk assessment shall take into account 
    - The existence of alternative work equipment designed for reducing noise emission; 
    This factor shall already be evaluated when assessing risk.
    - The information on noise emission provided by the manufacturers of the work equipment in compliance with current regulations.
    If the field values are significantly higher than those declared by the manufacturer, a situation of non compliance of the machinery with the optimal conditions foreseen by the manufacturer (e.g. bad maintenance conditions or malfunctioning of the acoustic protections foreseen by the manufacturer) can be postulated: therefore risk assessment shall implement the appropriate actions in order to keep under control those factors determining the increase of noise produced by the apparatus;
  2. for the purposes of risk assessment only if this is lower than 80 dBA and thus no obligation of instrumental measurements is required;
  3. for a preliminary estimate of the noise levels that can be found in the workplaces where the machinery is used;
  4. to comply with Directive 2003/10/EC, establishing that "the risks arising from exposure to noise shall be eliminated at their source or reduced to a minimum.;
    (…) The reduction of such risks shall be based on the general principles of prevention set out in Article 6(2) of Directive 89/391/EEC, and take into account in particular: 
    1. other working methods that require less exposure to noise; 
    2. the choice of appropriate work equipment, taking account of the work to be done, emitting the least possible noise, including the possibility of making available to workers work equipment subject to Community provisions with the aim or effect of limiting exposure to noise; 
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