Portale Agenti Fisici > Iscrizione NewsLetter

PAF Newsletter



By subscribing to this newsletter you will be notified:

  • When documents related to risk assessment are published or modified;
  • When relevant data related to risk exposure or reduction for specific exposure conditions/machinery or sectors are published;
  • To communicate news on events, courses etc.;
  • To give information about new publications, articles etc. published on National or International reviews of interest for Physical Agents exposure prevention.

Conditions on Privacy

The Authority that manages this portal, the Physical Agents Laboratory of Usl 7 Agency (Siena) will use the data entered for registration to the sole scope of communicating information related to events and news solely related to the context of the Portal, i.e. Physical Agents. Deletion from the list can be requested by email at the address info@portaleagentifisici.it




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