POSIZIONE: PAF > Artificial Optical Radiation > Assessment

Procedure for the assessment of LASER Systems


LASER products in class 4 can be harmful to both eyes and skin, if direct or reflected radiation is intercepted at distances equal or lower than NOHD (Nominal Ocular Hazard Distance); therefore all people that stay at a distance lower than NOHD must wear the adequate personal eye-protection equipment provided by the manufacturer or by the LASER Safety Officer and prevent skin exposure to radiation. Furthermore, all reflecting objects that are not strictly needed for the current procedure shall be avoided.

Generally, there is also a fire hazard, and thus it is important to create a controlled area and to verify all the objects and substances that are introduced in each case.

The LASER controlled area shall be defined by physical guards, that prevent the exit of the LASER beam; the material of the guards shall be appropriate both to provide the adequate attenuation of the radiation and to resist even when exposed to the direct beam, if this event is likely to occur. For calculating the guards and verifying their appropriateness, refer to the standard IEC EN 60825-4 "Safety of laser products. Laser guards".

During normal operation, fume may develop from the area hit by the LASER beam; this fume shall be removed by an adequate aspiration system.

In the LASER controlled area, when the device is operating, authorized personnel only shall be present; the presence of people that are not needed to carry out the current procedure should be avoided.

A LASER Safety Officer, having the necessary knowledge for the management of all safety aspects concerning the LASER system in question, as the enforcement of the protection measures provided by the manufacturer, the verification of the suitability of the personal eye-protection equipment and the writing of the safety regulations, shall be appointed.

End of the procedure

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