POSIZIONE: PAF > Artificial Optical Radiation > Assessment

Procedure for the assessment of LASER Systems

The LASER system falls into class 3B.

This type of LASER can determine an exposure exceeding the limits set by law. Direct radiation can cause harm if the beam is directed at the eyes and the normal aversion responses due to bright light could be not sufficient for keeping exposure levels below limits, even in case of visible light. For this reason, the radiation should be enclosed as much as possible. Furthermore, if the LASER beam has an unpredictable path, all those inside the LASER controlled area should wear the appropriate eye protections. 

Eye exposure to direct radiation shall be avoided. Reflected radiation is generally safe.  Skin hazard could be relevant for LASERS with a power at the highest class 3B limit.

Implement the protection measures indicated in the Owner's manual and in this procedure.


End of the procedure

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