Calculation for Metal halide lamps


Photometric data of the single source

Type of bulb
Power Watts
Colour temperature K
Luminous flux lumens
Beam width ( bulb) Degrees

Installation data

Estimated distance m


Low RISK: No photobiological hazard. Trivial source for the purposes of the Directive 2006/25 EC
Moderate RISK: Compatible with the limit values associated with the Group 1 (IEC EN 62471:2009: no photobiological hazard under normal conditions of use). It could entail a risk if stared into for more than a 100 seconds accumulated in a day.
High RISK: Exposures greater than the highest acceptable for Group 1 (IEC EN 62471:2009). Risk is present, even for staring times lower than 100 seconds.

Riepilogo finale

Limiti illuminanza lux
luminanza Mcd/m2
Fascia di rischio Scelta del limite ris parziale
senza riflettore illuminanza lux
luminanza Mcd/m2
con riflettore illuminanza lux
luminanza Mcd/m2

Limiti RG1 – RG2

CCT [K] Illuminanza [Lux] Luminanza [Mcd/m2] In base T colote - Illuminanza [Lux] In base T colote - Luminanza [Mcd/m2]
CCT ≤ 2350 4000 40
2350 < CCT ≤ 2850 1850 18.5
2850 < CCT ≤ 3250 1450 14.5
3250 < CCT ≤ 3750 1100 11
3750 < CCT ≤ 4500 850 8.5
4500 < CCT ≤ 5750 650 6.5
5750 < CCT ≤ 8000 500 5


0 Tipologia sorgente 1 Potenza min 2 Potenza max 3 Sup ASR Min [mmg] 4 Sup ASR Max [mmg] 5 Sup ACR Min [mmg] 6 Sup ACR Max [mmg] 7 Min lung att [mm] 8 Min dia att [mm] 9 Max lung att [mm] 10 Min dia att [mm]
sup 20 35 20 20 707 707 5 5 5 5
pre 20 35 2043 2043 2043 2043 51 51 51 51
mini 20 70 20 495 1963 1963 5 5 35 18
sin 20 150 20 495 7854 7854 5 5 35 18
dop 30 150 75 196 16900 16900 12 8 25 10
par20 20 35 3318 3318 3318 3318 65 65 65 65
par30 20 70 7390 7390 7390 7390 97 97 97 97
ell 79 400 39 393 52900 136900 10 5 50 10
edif 70 400 8247 16258 52900 136900 150 70 230 90
tchi 70 2000 157 5498 52900 136900 20 10 140 50
altro 5 10

angolo sotteso dalla sorgente

senza riflettore
dia ris mm
lung ris mm
diam med mm
con riflettore
sup mmq
diam med mmq
angolo mmq

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